Ongoing Anti-Israel Hatred: Where's the Talk of Peace and Reconciliation?
Denigration, Defamation, Delegitimization and aiming for Israel's Destruction
I doubt there are many people who have spent even just a short time on social media - not to mention all those who have had “real life” experiences; who would dispute there’s an awful- amount of open, viciously- hatred expressed towards Israel and supporters of Israel. Supporters of Israel are denigrated'; their motivations (and often loyalties) questioned. Non-Jewish supporters of Israel as condemned as “Christian Zionists” (as though that’s a negative) or people who have been bribed or blackmailed into being pro-Israel. (Just see all those attacks on my “Alma Mater” AIPAC for example.) And if you “engage” on social media; you so-often encounter a torrent of abusive comments from haters of Israel. (As Congressmen, Administration officials and countless students and others have experienced in person)
This visceral hatred towards Israel and her supporters long preceded Israel’s post October 7th response. And based on comments in the aftermath of the announced Israel-Hamas deal; it shows no sign of abating. There are of course exceptions; but basically those who hated Israel before; continue to do so, even after 15 months of war and bloodshed. They may have screamed for ceasefire. But they never marched for peace or reconciliation, instead calling for an ongoing struggled continuing till the end of Israel. (Sometimes they couch their language in more euphemistic terms: Ending “Apartheid” Israel; having a Palestine “From the River to the Sea.” Having all refugees and their descendants from 1948 returning to pre-1967 “Israel.” (Some might think there is a almost something Freudian in their use of the term “Genocide” which they were using on literally day one. But I’ll leave that to others to assess!)
A comparison between Israel and Israel’s opponents is a salient one. Supporters of Israel have welcomed the release of the hostages - something they’ve sought from day one. And they mourn the Israeli losses. To the degree that Israelis and supporters of Israel; have questions about the ceasefire; it’s the fear that Hamas will rebuild and rearm and against attempt the slaughter of Jews and that that so many terrorists are being released by Israel in this deal. And behind everything: There is the overwhelming desire of most Israelis and supporters of Israel: That Israel be allowed to live in peace and security (Something they’ve sought for 75 years).
And the overwhelming desire of so many “haters” of Israel: That the Palestinian struggle should go on till “victory” - ie the end of Israel. Time and time again; the central issue is not whether Palestinian State; it’s genuine acceptance of Israel. We see All the old shibboleths returning and the delegitimization, denigration and defamation of Israel seems to be never-ending.
In the past few months; I’ve written several times re these haters. Sadly I don’t think there’s anything I said that doesn’t remain valid.
As I wrote in Israel's American Detractors" - A Look Back “[L]ooking around; it’s very-evident how things are today in this “Campaign Against Israel.” And how much more prevalent are the open calls for the eradication of Israel; and of course how-widespread the antipathy is towards AIPAC and in many ways, all Zionists (as though that’s a curse word.) “
In my Year Flashback: Assessing then the various expressions of support for Israel - and for Hamas in the US I wrote “Israel’s “Detractors” have gotten far bolder. Their minimizing (or even completely ignoring) what occurred on October 7th. Their denigrating of Israel; their denials of the horrors that occurred; the use of terms such as “Genocide” (a term which started to be used in the very first days of October 7th. The open calls for the elimination of Israel. The efforts to intimidate “Zionist” students and professors on campus and protests outside synagogues and Jewish centers. The vast surge in antisemitic incidents, including violence, in the United States (and of course, Europe).”
And in my Times of Israel blog piece “How Israel’s Detractors Responded to October 7: The first 24 Hours”
“…A myth has taken hold that Israel’s “Detractors” in the West were driven to their “militancy” by Israel’s actions over the past year, including of course the reported casualty toll in Gaza. But in reality, the “Campaign against Israel” in the United States (which of course, was in full force long prior to October 7th), sprung into action on that very-first day – before Israel had lifted a finger.
Within literally hours of the news of Hamas’ slaughter; Israel’s “Detractors” (haters!) engaged in a combination of praising, denying, “ignoring” and “putting into context” whatever Hamas might have done. Absent was any outrage or condemnation of Hamas actions; or any expressions of sympathy for the victims and their families. ..
There were certainly early calls by “Detractors” for a ceasefire. But not from any apparent desire to end the conflict and achieve reconciliation with Israel. It was more to permit Hamas to garner its gains and to seek to prevent Israel from responding against Hamas. From that very first day; words such as “Occupied Palestine,” “root cause” “Genocide” and “Israeli apartheid” were thrown around (as of course they had been before October 7th.) There were instantaneous calls for US pressure on Israel and halting arms and aid to Israel.
The depressing reality is that there has been a surge in the public denigration, defamation and delegitimization of Israel and in many cases of Jews (often disguised as “Anti-Zionism (with some Jews – “As a Jew” very-much joining in these efforts). Back in vogue “Israel has no right to exist.”
What has been shown time and time again is that for many Detractors; this is not in its essence a fight over Israeli policies or actions or seeking a better life for the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. It is not even seeking progress towards the much-touted “Two State Solution.” Or peace and reconciliation with Israel. For too-many Detractors: This is a struggle over Israel’s very existence. The chant heard at so many anti-Israel protests for many many years of “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.” Detractors know what the chant means. They chant what they mean. They mean what they say. This is what they want and what they strive for. And it’s not peace with Israel.”
So it was. So it continues to be. And based on what I’ve seen over the past few days; nothing has changed. The efforts against Israel go on. And if Prime Minister Netanyahu was hypothetically replaced by Yair Lapid; those efforts would be in no way lessened.
My various recent pieces re these efforts:
Israel's Detractors Seize on the Los Angeles Fires to Try and Attack Israel
Israel's American Detractors" - A Look Back
Attacks on AIPAC from Left and Right: Meandering Thoughts
If Israel Lost the War
Year Flashback: Assessing then the various expressions of support for Israel - and for Hamas in the US
“How Israel’s Detractors Responded to October 7: The first 24 Hours”